Campers and summer staff having fun

Partnering with more than 1,000 Boston teens and families on year-round programs that inspire creativity, build community, and champion young leaders.

Remembering Jack Connors, Jr.

Jack Connors sitting with campers in the amphitheater at Camp Harbor View

It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of our Co-Founder and Chairman, Jack Connors, Jr., who died recently from pancreatic cancer. We invite you to share your memories of Jack with the CHV community.

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Since 2007, we’ve touched the lives of more than 8,980 teens & their families

95 %

of teens feel there’s an adult at Camp Harbor View who cares about them


CHV’s groundbreaking Guaranteed Income Program puts money in the hands of Boston families with no strings attached — creating economic stability and mobility to build a more equitable future for Boston. 


Serving the whole family

Family smiling together on the ferry during Family Day

Young people are best equipped to succeed when their whole support network thrives. Our wrap-around model offers community resources, parent engagement, and targeted economic mobility initiatives including guaranteed income.

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Investing Year-round in Young Leaders

Our Leadership Academy offers year-round community connections, social and emotional wellness, college & career prep, and support to more than 200 teens and their families.

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Two friends smiling at the camera

Get Involved

An incredible community of partners, volunteers, and donors makes it possible for Camp Harbor View to offer free year-round programs to more than 1,000 young leaders in Boston. How will you show up for Boston’s next generation?

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